Jan Bouman’s Old Town Hall
The old town hall in the historic center of Potsdam, the Altes Rathaus, was built from 1753 to 1755 at the behest of the Prussian king Frederick II. It was constructed in his favor
Toxic Landscapes: Holland and Brandenburg
The Netherlands has a long tradition of extracting gas and oil from the North Sea – only today numerous drilling rigs have been decommissioned because there is not much left to e
Hoge verwachtingen!
From 8 July, the Museum Barberini presents the exhibition “Clouds and Light. Impressionism in Holland” and shows with over 100 paintings how artists such as Johan Barth
The Court Gardener Heydert
The large home and garden before the Nauen Gate was the residence and professional center of the gardener family Heydert into the 20th century. It had been purchased by the master
About Lost Doors and “Schnorch”
Renovation in the Dutch Quarter Back in 1989 we were a young couple in our twenties and were truly overwhelmed by the political changes. Living in Berlin-Wilmersdorf (West), we tri
Historical connections between Holland and Brandenburg
The Brandenburg.Exhibition in the House of Brandenburg-Prussian History uses individual objects to explore the relationship between this region and the Netherlands and offers an au
The Photographer Thonfeld in the Dutch Quarter
At the end of the 1970’s, when the young student of photography Eberhard Thonfeld strolled through the Dutch Quarter of Potsdam — first accidentally, then with a mission – he
Historic Mill of Sanssouci
The chief building director and Dutchman Jan Bouman confidently stated that “the local builders do not understand the mechanics” when he submitted the construction docu
Paintings from the “Orange Heritage”
The Picture Gallery at Sanssouci houses a “Dutch treasure”, which today, only a few people know about. For example, among other things, it is possible to view here numerous pai